
Stable Units / Archery Units / Dock Units / Infantry UnitsMiscellaneous Units

       Unit   Cost    Hit    Points Attack Armor Range Speed             Special
Scorpion 75W, 75G 40 12 0/6 5 S Bolts damage all they touch
Heavy Scorpion 75W, 75G 50 16 0/7 5 S Bolts damage all they touch
Bombard Cannon 225W, 225G 50 40 2/5 12 S Requires Chemistry; min. range; attack bonus vs. buildings, ships
Battering Ram 160W, 75G 175 2 0/180 0 S Attack bonus vs. buidings
Capped Ram 160W, 75G 200 3 0/190 0 S Attack bonus vs. buildings
Siege Ram 160W, 75W 270 4 0/195 0 S Attack bonus vs. buildings
Mangonel 160W, 135G 50 40 0/6 7 S Area of effect damage
Onager 160W, 135G 50 40 0/6 7 S Area of effect damage
Siege Onager 160W, 135G 70 75 0/8 8 S Area of effect damage
Trebuchet(packed) 200W, 200G 150 0 2/8 0 S None
Trebuchet(unpacked) 200W, 200G 150 200 1/150 16 S Attack bonus vs. buildings, ships
